Presli Dillon (cross country)
  • Presli Dillon

    To junior Presli Dillon, a tribe is a second family that you trust and love.

    “A tribe is a family that you can go to for anything,” Dillon said. “A tribe is people you trust so much that you can put your life in their hands. You feel so close to them that you want to be with them all the time and you want them in your life.”

    Dillon found her tribe at FUHS through her love for cross country.

    “Cross country is my tribe because it’s something I love to do,” Dillon said. “Since all of us want to be there, we’re able to create our own little tribe as a team.”

    The spirit of the cross country team makes them close, and the friendships made through cross country are long lasting.

    “Playing sports helped me find who I wanted to hang out with. My closest friends are all in sports with me,” Dillon said.

    Though cross country is often thought of as an individual sport, and many think that there is no family aspect, teammates can still be a tribe if they support each other. At FUHS, the runners encourage each other often.

    “We always run together and do everything together,” Dillon said. “We cheer each other on even at practice.”

    At FUHS, common interests, team spirit, and encouragement help everyone to feel at home.

    “Fullerton is a good place to find your second family since it promotes tradition, pride, and honor,” Dillon said. “Family goes along with that really well.”


    by: Alexandra Williams