- Fullerton Union High School
- Link Crew
What is Link Crew?
Link Crew is a program that helps freshmen transition to high school through social, academic, and emotional health activities led by upperclassmen.
Interested in becoming a Link Leader?
Who is in Link Crew?
Link Crew is composed of upperclassmen who are good role models for younger students and who have been successful at our high school. Link Leaders’ have strong communication skills, leadership potential, are responsible, dedicated, and enthusiastic. They are interested in helping others succeed.
What does a Link Leader do?
Link Leaders are trained to work with the incoming freshman class and other new students who are entering our school next fall. After extensive training, Link Leaders will run freshman orientation. At the orientation, each Link Leader will be given a small group of freshmen to work with that day and will be asked to befriend and to help that group during the first week of school with any challenges they may face. Periodically during the school year, Link Leaders will meet again with their student groups to touch base, discuss problems, and plan social activities.
Why join Link Crew?
Not only is Link Crew a way to help others but Link Leaders will be helping to improve our school culture. Link Leaders will have a tremendous influence on our freshmen and new students and will learn many valuable leadership skills in the process. Additionally, Link Leaders will earn volunteer/community service hours which will look good on College and Career applications. Plus, it will be fun!!
Alex Barlow abarlow@fjuhsd.org
Jodi Flynn jflynn@fjuhsd.org
Blanca Villalobos bvillalobos@fjuhsd.org