Guidance and Counseling
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Counseling Department
The Fullerton Union High School Guidance Department is comprised of four Counselors, two Guidance Technicians, one Assistant Principal, and support staff. Each student is assigned a counselor for the entire four years they attend Fullerton Union High School based off of their last name. This counselor will be the students' main contact for both educational and personal issues.
The counselors meet with each student and their parent/guardian at least one time each year in a scheduled appointment. Additionally, students are urged to communicate with their counselor as needed on a "drop-in" basis during lunch, break, before school, or after school. Parents may set up additional appointments with counselors as needed by emailing/calling their student's counselor. A Counselor will be available during the following times: 7:15am-4:00pm.Parents are strongly encouraged to set up and utilize the online Aeries system to track their student's academic progress. For questions regarding Aeries please see the Fullerton Union High School Home Page under the "LINKS" heading or call your student's counselor.
Counseling Appointments
Counselors hold grade level, annual meetings, with all 9th, 11th, and 12th grade students. Parents will receive a call inviting them to schedule and attend this meeting. If a parent can not attend, the Counselor will meet with the student. For 10th grade students, meetings are parent/student choice.
12th Grade Appointments (August - September) Graduation status, Special Admit Program, 4-Year college application status, SAT/ACT/Subject Test status, Community College, ROP, Vocational School information ,Financial Aid, At-Risk issues, Post-high school plans.
11th Grade Appointments (October-December) Graduation status, Senior class selection/Summer school/La Sierra, Post-high school plans, SAT/ACT/Subject Test status/plan, Financial Aid, At-Risk issues, Special Admit Program.
10th Grade Appointments (March - April) Graduation status, Junior and Senior class selections, Post-high school plans, PSAT, At-Risk issues.
9th Grade Appointments (December - March) Create 4-Year class plan, Explain graduation requirements, Encourage extra-curricular involvement, PSAT, Provide General College Information, AT-Risk issues.
Registration for classes is done during the months of February and March. Registration consists of a presentation day and a pick-up day. During the presentation, registration materials are distributed and students are prompted on which classes to choose for the following year. During the pick-up, students return registration materials and sit with their counselor to input their classes into the computer system.
PSAT is done one time per year. For 2023 we will be offering the PSAT on a sign-up only basis on Saturday October 14, 2023. We are only offering the digital PSAT exam.
SBAC (Common Core) testing is during the month of April. Juniors only.
AP and IB testing is done during the month of May.
SAT/ACT testing is done throughout the year off campus. Students must register for the SAT or ACT on their own, if they choose to take it.
The Guidance page contains access to many informative links. These links include information regarding College Admission, Scholarship and Financial Aid Information, College Testing, and Job/Career information. The links can be accessed by clicking on the word Links in the box at the top of this page.
Mr. McIntosh (A-Di)
- (714) 626-3849
- (714) 489-5652 Cell/Text
Mrs. Defries (Do-K)
- (714) 626-3841 Office
- Add Erin DeFries on WhatsApp to text.
Mrs. Kim (L-Ram)
- (714) 626-3845
- (714) 494-6358 Cell/Text
- Click here for an appointment
Mrs. McCarthy (Ran-Z)
- (714) 626-3851
- (714) 489-5714 Cell/Text