Welcome Class of 2028!

  • Incoming Freshmen Registration Information

    Registration for the Class of 2029 will open MARCH 2025!

    Registration timeline:

    January: Open Enrollment is from January 13th through 31st. The Open Enrollment window closes at 3pm Friday January 31st. To complete an Open Enrollment application you must go to your home school. Here is a link to all of the Open Enrollment flyers and frequently asked questions: Open Enrollment Information

    March: Registration begins. If you live in our attendance area or complete an Open Enrollment application to come to FUHS your student will receive a Registration Packet during a visit to the Jr. High campus. We visit Beechwood, Ladera Vista, Parks, and Nicolas. 

    Junior High School

    Information Presentation





    Nicolas Junior High



    10:15 am


    Ladera Vista Junior High



    8:45 am


    Parks Junior High



    8:30 am


    Beechwood School



    10:30 am

    April: Special Program Application opens. This is for students who do not reside in our district's attendance area but still wish to attend FUHS.

    June/July: Health sessions available for Class of 2029.

    July/August: Summer Bridge Program for Class of 2029

    Tribe Days (Orientation): Thursday July 31st and Friday August 1st

    August: School begins Monday August 



Incoming Freshman Course Selection Instructional Video

  • A partir del 22 de febrero, los enlaces para completar el proceso de registro estarán en esta página.

    Paso 1: Haga clic en el enlace para completar el formulario de solicitud de curso para su estudiante. Hay un video que lo guía a través del proceso en esta página. Enlace de solicitud de curso

    Paso 2: Haga clic en el enlace para completar el proceso de registro a través de Aeries Enrollment. Haga clic en este enlace para obtener instrucciones breves de lo que necesitará para completar el proceso de inscripcion

    Los consejeros organizarán una reunión de padres el miércoles 3 de marzo a las 6:00 pm para brindar información sobre el proceso de registro.

Incoming Freshman Course Selection Instructional Video