Welcome Class of 2028!

  • Incoming Freshmen Registration Information

    Welcome Class of 2028!

    Registration will open February 2024!


    Step 1: Click on the link to complete the registration process through Aeries Enrollment. You can access the slides below for brief instructions about what you will need to complete the enrollment process. 

    English: FUHS Enrollment Slides (English)
    Espanol: FUHS Enrollment Guide en Espanol

    Step 2: Click on the link to complete your student's Course Requests for 9th grade. Please be sure to fill in all elective and alternate elective options.

    Incoming Freshman Parent Night & Program/Athletics Fair will be Thursday March 7, 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm. ALL incoming Freshmen families are welcome to come, complete registration, learn more about our elective options and meet coaches for our sports. 5:30-6pm will be a presentation by the Counselors in the Auditorium. 6-6:15pm will be a presentation by the Athletic Director in the Auditorium. The program fair and athletics fair will be open starting at 5:30pm in the quad.

    If you need help with the online Aeries Air registration process we are hosting four workshops.

    Tuesday March 12th 9-11am in the Career Center and 6-7:30pm in the Career Center.

    Thursday March 14th 9-11am in the Staff Cafeteria and 6-7:30pm in the Career Center.

    FUHS Counselors will visit Jr. Highs to distribute information on registration in March.

    Beechwood Monday March 4th 10:30 AM Mrs. Kim
    Ladera Vista Monday March 4th 9:00 AM Mrs. DeFries & Mrs. McCarthy
    Nicolas Monday March 4th 10:30 AM Mrs. DeFries & Mrs. McCarthy
    Parks Monday March 4th 8:30 AM Mr. McIntosh

    If you would like to see the FUHS Registration Presentation shown to the students CLICK HERE

    If you have questions regarding registration or course selection feel free to reach out to your student's Counselor.

    David McIntosh - Last Names A-Di dmcintosh@fjuhsd.org

    Erin DeFries - Last Names Do-K edefries@fjuhsd.org

    Han Kim - Last Names L-Ram hkim@fjuhsd.org

    Erin McCarthy - Last Names Ran-Z emccarthy@fjuhsd.org



Incoming Freshman Course Selection Instructional Video

  • A partir del 22 de febrero, los enlaces para completar el proceso de registro estarán en esta página.

    Paso 1: Haga clic en el enlace para completar el formulario de solicitud de curso para su estudiante. Hay un video que lo guía a través del proceso en esta página. Enlace de solicitud de curso

    Paso 2: Haga clic en el enlace para completar el proceso de registro a través de Aeries Enrollment. Haga clic en este enlace para obtener instrucciones breves de lo que necesitará para completar el proceso de inscripcion

    Los consejeros organizarán una reunión de padres el miércoles 3 de marzo a las 6:00 pm para brindar información sobre el proceso de registro.

Incoming Freshman Course Selection Instructional Video