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North Orange County Community College District
Two of the state's premiere colleges and one of the state's most extensive continuing education program combine to provide the quality educational programming of the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD). Nearly 78,000 students enroll annually at Cypress College, Fullerton College, and North Orange Continuing Education. College students are able to shape their futures in programs leading to associate degrees, vocational certificates, and transfer opportunities. Life-long learning also is possible in continuing education programs that range from high school completion and basic skills mastery through an array of vocational training and self-development courses. The NOCCCD campuses serve an area of over one million diverse people - each pursuing their own, unique ambitions.
To learn more, click on the thumbnail below:
NOCCCD Promise Program
The North Orange Promise Scholars program is designed to transform the lives of students through education and economic advancement. Through this new grant program offered by North Orange County Community College District, first-time, full-time students will have access to two years of free tuition (enrollment fees) and student health fees covered. Local residents will have the opportunity to apply and attend any one of our prestigious institutions (Cypress College, Fullerton College, North Orange Continuing Education) to achieve degrees, certifications, or 4-year university transfer goals. The minimum criteria to be eligible for the North Orange Promise grant are as follows:
- First-time college student
- Full-time student enrolled in 12 or more units at Cypress College or Fullerton College
- Complete FAFSA/DREAM application through financial aid assistance
- High school graduate (or North Orange Continuing Education graduate)
- Meet California residency requirements or eligible for residency waiver (AB 540)
Fullerton College
Fullerton College is the oldest community college in continuous operation in California. Since its first class of 26 students in 1913, we have grown to become one of the most successful community colleges in the nation. Our high transfer and graduation rates, rich academic programs and radically student-centered approach equip students with the skills and resources they need to succeed. To learn more, click on the thumbnail below:
Fullerton College Application Process
Cypress College
Cypress College exists for all students who can benefit from instruction. We strive to offer all students a pathway to their future. We are a community — one connected by the possibility of a brighter future for all. Our faculty teach because their purpose is to inspire. Our staff and administrators serve because they’re passionate about helping students succeed. Cypress College is a place where people say hello and the smiles are genuine. We are stewards of the collaborative environment created by our founding faculty. Buen Cypress is our acknowledgment of the honor to carry that tradition forward. For more information, click on the thumbnail below: