- Troy High School
- College & Career Center
- College Visits at TRHS
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College Visits
Warriors, sign up for college visits through your Naviance Student Portal. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Guidance Technicians, Ms. Black or Mrs. Rosner.
You must sign up through Naviance in order to attend a college visit and are limited to a total of 5 visits. If you have "liked" a college through Naviance you will be notified of the upcoming visit; however, you still must personally sign up in order to attend the visit. Sign ups for college visits close 24 hours prior to the event.
If you find that you are unable to attend the visit after signing up, you can go into Naviance and remove your name from the list.
Reminder: Attending a college visit requires notifying your teacher BEFORE the visit and is subject to your teacher's approval. Any work, projects, or assignments that would be missed are the responsibility of the student to address with their teacher. Attending a college visit WILL NOT be grounds for turning in work late, missing projects, or making up work. If a visit is not cleared by the teacher, the absence will not be excused.
Please make sure to mark down or make a note if you've signed up for a visit, as we do not send summons out for visits.