IB Current Students


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    Mrs. Kirkpatrick: IB/TT Special Programs Coordinator

     Welcome Back To School!!!

    This year I will continue in the classroom, teaching two periods of honors Cambridge biology. Any coursework will be found in my Google Classroom.  I will also continue to be the coordinator for our IB program here at Troy and assist with the Troy Tech Magnet Program, as well. It will be a busy year, but I am looking forward to a great year!
    Registration Open October 2nd-October 16th(late registration is Oct. 17-20 with a late fee/exam added)
    IB Exam Registration via Total Registration: Here is the link to the registration site. See the letter below for more information or come see me if you have questions, especially if they pertain to taking an IB exam as a course student not a full diploma student.
             Important Dates: 
              October 2, Registration opens
              October 16, last day to register without late fee penalty
              October 20, last day to register for exams with a $20 per exam late fee. 
              November 14, last day to cancel an exam and receive a full refund. 
    IB students:
           Seniors: You need to update your CAS hours on Managebac and finalize your Extended Essays. The first Draft of the Extended Essay is due September 15th for me to write your counselor recommendation.  I will meet with all IB senior students and verify their course selections for exams this year. Any changes after the November 14th deadline for IB registration will incur further charges. I also expect their progress with CAS and Extended Essays to be an ongoing process, managed on Managebac.com. Final Extended Essays are due January 31, 2025.

    Seniors: There is a MANDATORY meeting on August 15, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the lecture hall for all senior diploma candidates. If you miss the meeting, the files will be available below afterward.
    Juniors: Your MANDATORY meeting is on Sept. 11, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the lecture hall. I hope between this meeting, your individual/small group CAS meetings with me, and a group meeting in Mrs. Varieur's class, you will begin to feel comfortable with your CAS and Extended Essay requirements this year. 

    If there is anything you need assistance with and cannot find the information within the links to this page, the other IB pages, or the Google Classroom, please let me know by calling or emailing me. Or simply stop by my office in room 406. 

    Mrs. Kirkpatrick

    Office Hours: Periods 3-5 and lunch daily. I will be in room 905 teaching periods 0-1.  2nd period/break I may be found in the science department most days, but may find my way to the office earlier on occasion. I am often available 6th period and after school but not daily. 

     DATES to remember:

    JUNIORS and SENIORS: Troy IB Policies and Procedures document and Slideshow presentations can be found below. Please submit the Policy signature page to Google Classroom by Friday, August 23, 2024, for seniors and Friday, September 20, 2024, for juniors. 

    Senior Deadlines:

    September 15, 2024: First draft due to Google Classroom, turnitin.com and teacher supervisor before letters of rec will be written 

    January 19, 2025: The 2nd draft copy of your IB Extended Essay is due (digital copy). For many of you, this will be your final draft, but, the absolute last day to turn in your  FINAL EE is January 31, 2025!

    Junior Deadline: 

    December 15, 2023: Research Proposal for junior EE is due with teacher and student signatures. The first mandatory reflection is due by the end of the semester. 

    Oct 2–Oct. 16, Late registration through Oct. 20: IB Exams Registration and fee payment on Total Registration. If you are not a full diploma candidate and have not yet registered with me, please see me prior to registering to verify the requirements. Please see the exam information in the attached file below.

    Registration for next year: Late January/early February meetings will be scheduled with interested sophomores.

    CAS due date: May 1, 2025 for Seniors. (See CAS page) All students are to complete CAS reflections each month on Managebac.