- Troy High School
- Extended Essay
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Extended Essay
Students, Use the following guides to help prepare your extended essay.Please review the PowerPoint and reading on plagiarism and collusion to make certain that you will not have an Extended Essay that is found to be in malpractice.Remember, your research question is the key to a great paper!
Senior Due dates:
September 15, 2023: First draft is due to turinitin.com, your mentor and uploaded to Managebac
January 19, 2024: Second Draft due. Uploaded to Google Classroom, turnitin.com and Managebac and a copy to your mentor.
Final Draft Due no later than February 2, 2023 Turnitin.com class information and enrollment key can be found in your Google Classroom
Junior Due Dates:
December 15, 2023: Proposal is due with teacher approval/signature
January 13, 2024: Research/Sources are due to your mentor
February 23, 2024: Outline of research paper due to your mentor
May 1, 2024: Rough draft is due to your mentor in hard copy and to www.turnitin.com for verification of authenticity. Schedule the 2nd interim reflective interview with your supervisor if you have them read the entire paper and want their feedback. They can only read one full draft, so you may want to wait until September for that.
- academic honesty.pdf
- NEW 2018 EE guide link
- IB Extended essay guide document
- Troy Extended Essay Guide
- Effective_citing_and_referencing.pdf
- ethical guidelins for extended essays and field research.pdf
- Extended Essay formatting.doc
- Malpractice.ppt
- Turnitin_WhitePaper_PlagiarismSpectrum.pdf
- academic honesty.pdf