College recs

  • Please review the following for me to write for your counselor recommendation.

    I will not write a letter of recommendation for an IB senior unless I have received your first draft of your IBEE. This must be submitted by September 15th to Managebac,, your mentor, and my Google Classroom. 
    To complete your application I will need the following:
    1. Completed 2024-25_SSR-IB Letter of Recommendation Request Packet found here and in the Google Classroom Assignment. 
    2. Common App or other application recommendation invitations sent to 


    Must be received by September 6th to the Google Classroom assignment for all early applications (November 1, November 15 and any earlier deadlines) and by September 20th for any applications due after December 1.

    Questbridge applications are due on Sept. 26th! I need application packets by August 30th or earlier!


    ***Note: I will be sending your transcript with the secondary school report. You do not need to worry about this! Do NOT order from docufide at this time. You will need to order your final transcript and have it sent to the school you commit to after the May 1st deadline.

    Get started early so I don't have to track you down!