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  • For 2024-25, current Troy students registering for the 2025-26 school year (February 2025): 
    All HL Exams require a two-year consecutive course continuum. A year can not be skipped to complete an HL IB exam. 
    IB SL Design Tech requires a two year course from Cam AS to Cam A. 
    IB Film is offered as an HL course only if taken in the two-course continuum during junior and senior years. If a sophomore is in Cambridge Media Studies AS level, they can take the second year course of Cambridge Media Studies A level in junior year and take the IB SL exam as an option. 
    Business is now offered as an HL if there is a two-year course continuum in the 11th and 12th grades ending with IBHL Business in the senior year. Otherwise, it is okay to take the IBSL exam out of the IBHL course during the junior year (2025 start date).