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- University of California
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University of California
Nine campuses. As diverse as our students. Pristine beaches or towering redwood forests. Downtown buzz or wide-open spaces. Every one of UC's nine campuses has something amazing to offer - and each is different from the next. Different programs. Different people. Different things to see and do. It's this diversity that opens minds. Reframes perspectives. And ultimately, makes UC one of the best public universities in the world. Start your journey today; click on the thumbnail to get started:The UC application window opens August 1 and closes November 30.
Please click on the thumbnail to view the Freshman Admission Requirements for the University of California system:UC Admission RequirementsTroy's UC & CSU approved A-G listhttps://hs-articulation.ucop.edu/agcourselistIn order to be eligible to attend any school in the University of California (UC) or the California State University (CSU) systems as a freshman, you must take certain classes in high school. These classes are known as the "A-G Subjects"See the flyer below for A-G Eligibility Requirements:
A-G Eligibility Requirements
UC GPA Worksheet
UC has a specific way to calculate the grade point average (GPA) it requires for admission. California applicants must earn at least a 3.0 GPA and nonresidents must earn a minimum 3.4 GPA in all A-G or college-preparatory courses to meet this requirement. To see how to calculate your UC GPA, click here and follow the instructions. You may also use the worksheet attached below.
UC Admissions by School Source
These tables present information on UC’s Applicants, Admits, and Enrollees. Freshman applicant counts are presented for fall and transfer counts are presented for the full academic year. Mean high school and transfer GPA are presented for freshman and transfer applicants, admits, and enrollees respectively by source school.
Please click on the link UC Admissions by School to research admission data by California high school.