- Fullerton Union High School
- Positions/Job Descriptions
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P.S.T.A. Positions/Job Descriptions
Fullerton Union High PTSA Executive Board Job Descriptions
Presides over PTA Association and Board meetings. Creates meeting agendas. Attends President Roundtable meetings. Directs and supports PTA committees, as needed. Signs checks, financial documents and contracts. Approves outgoing information, notices and flyers. Assists in creating budget(s).
Executive Vice President
Assists President and performs duties in his/her absence. Attends meetings. Fills in as needed, being familiar with chairpersons’ duties. Signs checks. Assists in creating budget(s).
Compiles and maintains record book and procedure books. Records and prepares proceedings at meetings. Refers to records, as needed. Keeps membership lists, bylaws, committee lists, agendas and procedural forms. Assists in creating agendas. Signs financial reports, minutes and approved Bylaws revisions.
Manages funds and financial accounts within PTA. Makes bank deposits. Writes checks for payments and reimbursements. Presents reports at meetings. Files State and Federal taxes. Signs checks and financial documents. Assists in creating budget(s).
Board Members:
1st VP - Membership
Heads the Membership Committee. Coordinates PTA unit’s membership campaign and promotes growing membership through Outreach. Collects and reconciles membership dues with Treasurer. Distributes membership cards and provides regular membership reports.
Keeps track of PTA events throughout the year. Presents end-of-year report to Association. Counts and reports all PTA related volunteer hours. Assists President with the annual report for submission.
Audits PTA financial records twice/year (Jan. & July). Prepares audit reports for approval by the Unit Association and submits them to Fullerton Council of PTAs and 4th District PTA.
“Keeper” of PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules; makes sure they are followed and up-to-date with an annual review. Revises and submits every five years for approval by State PTA and Unit Association voting members. Keeps order at meetings in regard to the agenda and proceedings. Oversees Nominating Committee.
Fullerton Union High PTSA Committee Chairperson Job Descriptions
*If a committee runs all year, then it is a Standing Committee and the Chair can be a Board Member, if in the Bylaws as such.
PTA Council Rep.*
Attends monthly Fullerton Council meetings and reports back at Association meetings. This can be done by the President, since meetings are held the same day, but is recommended as a separate job.
Chairs the Hospitality Committee. Acts as host of the school and establishes a friendly, comfortable atmosphere for PTA meetings. Coordinates and hosts staff lunches and special events, often with donated items. Acts as a member of the program planning committee.
Volunteer Communications/Social Media*
Sends out notices to Exec. Board & Association. Posts information and events on social media sites relates to our unit. Keeps track of letters and other authorized correspondences.
Grad Night*
Chairs Grad Night Committee. Coordinates end-of-year event for graduating seniors. Books event, sells tickets, keeps track of permission slips and other paperwork. Manages accounting and signs checks.
Reflections Art Program
Chairs Reflections Committee. This is a National PTA Community Program. Coordinates student art event early in the school year. Distributes info to students, collects projects and arranges judging. Recognizes participation and achievement. Transports selected art projects to Fullerton Council of PTAs.
Pathways of Hope
Chairs committee for Holiday Food & Toy Drive. Works with partnered community-based service organization. Collects, delivers and distributes items donated by school families. Can be done more than once a year.
Honorary Service Award
Chairs HSA Committee. Recognizes exemplary service to PTA and the community. Accepts nominations for the award, sends candidates to Fullerton Council of PTAs. Presents award to recipient.
Heads Scholarship Committee. Accepts, reads and selects applications from Fullerton Union High seniors who are also PTSA members. Awards two $500 college scholarships based on merit, not financial need.
Other committees needing members:
Nominating Committee
Elected to committee in January (no meeting in December). Finds candidates for PTA positions for the following school year and helps with elections in March/April. One-year term, may not serve two consecutive terms.
Bylaws Committee
Works with Parliamentarian to review and propose amendments for Unit’s Bylaws with respect to PTA guidelines, annually. Revision and submission to State PTA is done every five years.