• Work Permits

    Work Permit Information:
    Request for a permit can be obtained from the link below, signed by employer, parent and student then returned to the school/College & Career Center or via email to Ms. Hurtado, jhurtado@fjuhsd.org 
    Please note, school is in session and students and employers should adhere to state-mandated work restrictions during school hours (see links below).
    For more information about child labor laws, contact the U.S. Department of Labor at http://www.dol.gov/, and the State of California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement at http://www.dir.ca.gov/DLSE/dlse.html.
    Work permits are issued based on the following criteria:
    • You must obtain employment first.
    • You must have a 2.0 GPA. If you fall below that, your permit will be pulled.
    • Satisfactory attendance
    • You must be between 14-18 years of age.

    To be issued a work permit, you will need:
    •      Your Social Security Number
    •      Parent Signature
    •      Employer information and signature
    •      Work Permit Application
    Return your work permit application to the Guidance Techs in the Career Center. Completed Work Permits take 1-2 days to be processed and returned to the student.
     * Students may never work past 10:00 PM on a night preceding a school day or past 12:30 AM on a night preceding a non-school day.
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