Phone: 714-626-3818


Degrees and Certifications:

A.A in Liberal Studies- Fullerton College B.A in English w/ minor in Women Studies- Chapman University M.A. in Teaching w/ Minor in Technology Integration- Chapman University Single Subject Credential in English- Chapman University Administrative Services Credential- OCDE Restorative Practices Certification-OCDE Cognitive Coaching Certification-OCDE GLAD Tier 1 Certification- OCDE

Mrs. Leticia Gonzalez, Assistant Principal of Student Services

Mrs. Leticia Gonzalez joined the Fullerton Joint Unified School District in March 2022 as Assistant Principal of Student Services at Fullerton High School. 

Prior to joining the district, Mrs. Gonzalez served as an English Teacher, AVID Teacher, AVID Coordinator, ELD Teacher, ELD Department Chair,  ELD Coordinator, Cross Country Coach, Foster Youth and At-Promise Youth Coordinator and Mentor, Curriculum Council Member, in Santa Ana Unified School District and the Orange Unified School District. In May 2018, Mrs. Gonzalez received the Outstanding Educator Award from the Orange County Department of Education for the instructional leadership and success provided to and obtained by English Language Learners in Orange Unified School District. 

From July 2018- August2019, she served as Dean of Discipline and Student Development Coordinator at Samueli Academy in Santa Ana, and from August 2019- March 2022, she served as an Assistant Principal at Marco Forster Middle School in Capistrano Unified School District. Through her administrative instructional leadership and collaborative effort with all stakeholders, Marco Forster Middle School received several awards, such as the 2019 OCDE PAL Program of the Year, 2020 PBIS Community Cares Award, 2020 ASCA RAMP award for transforming the MFMS counseling program into a nationally recognized ASCA model counseling program, and the 2022 California Pivotal Practice Program Award for the innovative practice and exceptional instructional support provided to students and families during distance learning.

Mrs. Gonzalez and her husband, Jorge Gonzalez, live in Anaheim with their two children, Anthony (4) and Aria (1). Mrs. Gonzalez is currently attending the University of Southern California in pursuit of her Doctoral degree in Education Leadership. 

Twitter: @L_GonzalezAP