• What is IB?

    The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is a high-level college preparatory program designed for outstanding high school students. Students in the IB program have the option of pursuing either the full IB Diploma or certificates in one or more areas of selected study. Students may earn college credit by fulfilling the requirements of the full IB Diploma or by passing individual IB exams in the subjects of their choice.  The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is a two-year educational program taken during the 11th and 12th grade years. The program provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education and is recognized by many universities worldwide.  IB prepares students to succeed in a world where facts and fiction merge in the news, and where asking the right question is a crucial skill that will allow them to flourish long after they’ve left our programs.  Colleges always like to see prospective students challenge themselves, and those who risk their GPAs in order to take a more rigorous course of study stand out more than students with excellent GPAs who take a lighter course load.


    The full diploma candidates receive a comprehensive liberal arts education. The program is comprised of six basic subject areas, and students study three subjects at the higher level and three at the standard level. Students who choose to pursue certificates in one or more areas without desiring the full IB Diploma may do so in the subject areas of their choice. Examinations are available in all IB subject areas. 

    Subject Areas

    1. Studies in Language and Literature (Language A)
    2. Language Acquisition (Language B)
    3. Study of individuals and society (social science)
    4. Sciences 
    5. Mathematics
    6. The Arts 

    Full diploma students are also required to complete the Theory of Knowledge course as well as write an extended essay and participate in community service.

    Higher Level Tests are for courses that cover two years of study.
    Standard Level Tests are for courses that cover one year of study.

    Juniors are only allowed to take two tests. Seniors may take as many as they desire. 


    FUHS IB course offerings

    FUHS IB course offerings

    Possible Full Diploma Schedule (there are other schedule variations)


    • AP English Lang
    • AP US History
    • AP Physics 1 or AP Environmental Science
    • IB Mathematics SL
    • World Lang Level 3H or higher
    • IB Elective
    • 2nd Semester Theory of Knowledge


    • IB English HL2
    • IB History HL2
    • IB Physics HL2 or IB Environmental Systems
    • AP Calculus or AP Statistics
    • World Lang IB SL/HL
    • IB or other Elective
    • 1st Semester Theory of Knowledge

    SIMILARITIES Between AP and IB

    • Looks good to colleges
    • Advanced coursework prepares for post-secondary education
    • Keeps advanced students engaged in school
    • Can, at some universities, receive college credit upon examination 


    IB  program coordinators 

    Mr. Michael Alvarez

    Email: malvarez@fjuhsd.org

    Mr. David Shanebeck

    Email: dshanebeck@fjuhsd.org