Work Permits and Employment Opportunities
  • Employment Opportunities
    • Please access current employment opportunities HERE 

    Work Permit  

    Students under the age of eighteen (18) must have a work permit on file with the school and their employer.  IT’S THE LAW!
    Once you are hired stop by the Career Center for an Intent to Employ form or CLICK Link ⇒ Intent to Employ
    Download, fill out, sign, and RETURN to Mrs. Alfonso via email at or Ms. Miller at 

    In order to be granted a Work Permit, the student must meet the following criteria:


    • Have a 2.0 or higher GPA.
    • No F's in graduation required classes.
    • The student's graduation status isn't in jeopardy.


    • The student should have good consistent attendance.
    • The student DOES NOT have more than 3 unexcused absences in a period in the current semester.


    Young Workers Health and Safety Information

    This site contains the basics about young worker health and safety for both teens and parents and has a link to a downloadable fact sheet "Are You A Working Teen?" in both English and Spanish. 
    Please visit for more information