- Sonora High School
- International Baccalaureate
International Baccalaureate (IB)
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International Baccalaureate
Through comprehensive and balanced curricula the I.B. aims to assist schools in their endeavors to develop the individual talents of young people and teach them to relate the experience of the classroom to the realities of the world outside. Students study coursework in six areas: English, foreign language, science, mathematics, social science, and either additional science, social science, art/design, theater arts, or music courses. The inter-relationship of these disciplines is studied in the IB Theory of Knowledge course. IB diploma candidates have the opportunity to participate in the community service (CAS) component of the IB program. We offer students the Full Diploma and Certificate Programs.IB CoordinatorMs. Shannon Appenrodtsappenrodt@fjuhsd.org
What is the IB Program?
The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) is a recognized leader in international education, encouraging students to be active learners, well-rounded individuals, and engaged world citizens. Founded in 1968, there are currently 4057 schools in 141 countries educating more than 980,000 students. There are currently 127 schools in California and over 1635 in North America. Pre-IB classes are available for freshmen and sophomores and are designated as Honor or AP courses, while formal IB classes and exams take place during the junior and senior years.For further information on the IBO or California Associate of IB World Schools, CAWS, please go to:IBO at:www.ibo.orgCAWS at: www.c-aws.org
Why Should I Take IB Courses?
In addition to choosing the finest college preparation available at Sonora High School, students will further benefit because Admissions Offices at colleges and universities recognize the rigor of IB classes and training. IB students routinely gain admission to some of the most respected universities in the world. Most of these institutions have established recognition policies for the IB diploma, granting credit up to and including sophomore standing upon entry. IB Certificate candidates will be awarded unit recognition based on the number of certificates they complete.The University of California Recognition Policy: 30 for 30Students who earn 30 points or more out of a possible 45 on their IB diplomas will be awarded 30-course equivalents upon entry to any of the seven University of California Campuses. Since 1987, the average diploma score at Sonora has been 30 points.
What is the IB Curriculum?
The most recent information available regarding the IB Program is found in the attached IB Information Booklet. In brief: The IB Diploma requires that students take exams in all six IB subject groups to complete an Extended Essay, the Theory of Knowledge, (TOK), course and 150 hours of Creativity, Active & Service, (CAS). Anticipated Diploma students are eligible to take up to two SL exams during their junior year.Students are eligible to take single subject exams for Higher Level, HL, courses during their senior year and are designated as Certificate Candidates.
IB Subject Groups at Sonora
Group 1 — English - 4 years HL
Group 2 – World Language – 4 years
Spanish, French, SL or HL
Group 3 — Social Science –
History – 2 years HL
Psychology – 1 year SL or 2 years HL
Group 4 — Science –
Biology – 1 year SL or 2 years HL
Environmental Systems 1 year SL
Physics- 1 year SL
Group 5 — Mathematics –
Algebra 2 or beyond SL
Group 6 — Elective 1-2 years
Visual Arts - 1-2 years SL or HL
Film - 1-2 years SL or HL
Dance - 1-2 years SL or HL
How Do I Earn an IB Diploma?To earn an IB diploma, you will need to take classes in each of six subject areas:- Group 1 Language A1
- Group 2 Foreign Language
- Group 3 Individuals & Societies
- Group 4 Science
- Group 5 Mathematics
- Group 6 Elective
Plus three core requirements:- Extended Essay ( EE) - his is an in-depth research project on a topic of individual interest. This experience acquaints you with independent research and writing skills expected at university.
- Theory of Knowledge (TOK) - TOK is a class exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines. You will learn to make connections between your knowledge in each of the six subject areas as you analyze how and why you think as you do.
- Creativity, Action & Service (CAS) - You will be required to do 150 hours of community service. Participation in the individual and school CAS activities involve artistic pursuits, sports, and community service work.
What is an IB Certificate?Individual subject Certificates may be completed by students not wishing to complete the IB Diploma Program. Students who complete the course of study in an IB subject are eligible to take exams for individual subject Certificates. Colleges award course equivalent upon entry for students who earn scores of 5 or higher on a scale of 7 on I.B. exams.