Introduction to Culinary Arts

    Do you like to cook and try new foods? Does cooking with your friends and eating delicious foods you would never try anywhere else sound fun? Then this is the class for you! Introduction to Culinary Arts class will give you more than just the basics. This career technical education (CTE) class teaches skills and competencies needed for entry-level positions in the restaurant/food service industry.

    This course provides a broad understanding of the culinary industry. Training occurs through classroom instruction and participation in the kitchen laboratory. Students will focus on safety and sanitation standards, principles of nutrition, knife skills, basic cooking principles, basic baking essentials, menu planning, basic food service mathematics, an introduction to the cold kitchen, and international cooking.

    You will develop critical workplace skills such as communication and interpersonal skills, personal and professional growth, critical thinking, creative problem-solving, strong academic skills, safety/health, and an understanding of the role of technology. Throughout instruction, skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics will be reinforced as they apply in workplace situations. These skills are essential in preparing all students for effective, successful careers. 

    “Intro to culinary will not only give you a bomb snack to eat in your next class, but it is also a fun class that will help you develop a lot of new lifelong friendships.” - Sophia Sanchez 

    Culinary Arts

    If you have already taken Intro and you want to further your cooking skills, then year 2 is for you. Do you want to learn about new foods and exotic foods? This course will expand the skills you gained in the Intro class and further prepare you for a job in the industry. 

    This course provides a deeper understanding of the culinary industry. Students gain knowledge through classroom instruction and participation in the kitchen laboratory. Students will focus on safety and sanitation standards, nutrition, refining their knife skills, cooking principles, baking essentials, menu planning and marketing, food service math, garden management, and international cooking.

    You will continue to develop critical workplace skills including communication and interpersonal skills, personal and professional growth, critical thinking, creative problem-solving, strong academic skills, safety/health, and an understanding of the role of technology. Throughout instruction, skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics will be reinforced as they apply in workplace situations. These skills are essential in preparing all students for effective, successful careers. 

    “I have been introduced to more foods that I would have never tied and I have learned to be more independent in the kitchen.” - Christine Boulos 

    Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management

    Do you want to be more creative and learn how to master your skills in the kitchen? Have you already taken levels one and two in culinary with Chef Nhim. Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management is the capstone class that will expand on the skills you gained in levels one and two. This class will further prepare you for a job in the industry. 

    This course provides a deeper understanding of the culinary industry. Students gain knowledge through classroom instruction and participation in the kitchen laboratory. Students will focus on safety and sanitation standards, nutrition, refining their knife skills, advanced cooking principles, advanced baking essentials, menu planning and marketing, food service math and cost controls, sustainability, and global cuisine.

    You will continue to further develop critical workplace skills including communication, interpersonal skills, personal and professional growth, critical thinking, creative problem-solving, strong academic skills, safety/health, and an understanding of the role of technology. Throughout instruction, skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics will be reinforced as they apply in workplace situations. These skills are essential in preparing all students for effective, successful careers. 

    “We get to make advanced foods, enter competitions, and be more creative in this class. The mystery basket challenges are always fun and make us think outside the box” - Manuel Casas




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