- Fullerton Joint Union High School District
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act
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McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act
Students Experiencing Homelessness or Housing Transitions Have Rights Under the Mckinney-Vento Act
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (MV) (42 U.S.C. § 11431-11435) is federal legislation that ensures the educational rights and protections of children and youths experiencing homelessness. It requires all local educational agencies (LEAs), public school districts, direct-funded and locally funded charter schools, and county offices of education to ensure that homeless students (between 0-22 years of age, pre-school to 12th grade) have access to the same free, appropriate public education, including public preschools.
Definition of Homeless
Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes living in:
- Shared housing with others due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason
- Motels, hotels, shelters, transitional housing programs
- Cars, trailer parks, camping areas, parks, beaches, abandoned buildings, public or private places not designed for, or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodation for human beings
- Abandoned, runaway or pushed out youth or migratory child living in any of the circumstances described above
Student Rights
- Immediate Enrollment: regardless of lack of proof of residency, immunization/medical and other school records.
- School Stability: Right to remain in school of origin (last school attended) or attend the school of residence (in area where the family is temporarily residing)
- Have the right to attend the next matriculating school pattern (elementary to middle school and/or middle to high school)
- If the family gains permanent housing, the student can remain at the
current school for the duration of that academic year- If high school student gains permanent housing, they are able to remain at that current school site through graduation if they so choose
- Transportation: to/from school if transportation creates a barrier to attendance
- Meals: automatically qualify for free and reduced meals
- Dispute Resolution: if a dispute arises the student is immediately admitted and able to attend the requested school while the dispute is being resolved
For additional questions, resources, and support specific to your school site, please contact your site's Assistant Principal or Family Liaison using the contact information provided in the table below.
If you have any questions regarding the McKinney-Vento Act or these rights, please contact the District Homeless Liaisions at mkvsupport@fjuhsd.org
Estudiantes que Experimentan la Falta de Hogar o Transiciones de Vivienda Tienen Derechos Bajo la Ley McKinney-Vento
La Ley de Asistencia para Personas sin Hogar McKinney-Vento (MV) (42 U.S.C. § 11431-11435) es una legislación federal que asegura los derechos educativos y las protecciones de los niños y jóvenes que experimentan la falta de hogar. Requiere que todas las agencias educativas locales (LEAs), distritos escolares públicos, escuelas chárter financiadas directamente y localmente, y oficinas de educación del condado aseguren que los estudiantes sin hogar (de 0 a 22 años de edad, desde preescolar hasta el 12º grado) tengan acceso a la misma educación pública gratuita y adecuada, incluyendo los preescolares públicos.
Definición de Persona sin Hogar
Individuos que carecen de una residencia nocturna fija, regular y adecuada, e incluye vivir en:
- Viviendas compartidas con otros debido a la pérdida de vivienda, dificultades económicas o razón similar
- Moteles, hoteles, refugios, programas de vivienda transitoria
- Autos, parques de casas rodantes, áreas de acampada, parques, playas, edificios abandonados, lugares públicos o privados no diseñados para, o utilizados ordinariamente como alojamiento regular para dormir de seres humanos
- Jóvenes abandonados, fugitivos o expulsados, o niños migratorios que vivan en cualquiera de las circunstancias descritas anteriormenteDerechos de los Estudiantes
- Inscripción Inmediata: independientemente de la falta de prueba de residencia, registros de inmunización/médicos y otros registros escolares
- Estabilidad Escolar: Derecho a permanecer en la escuela de origen (última escuela asistida) o asistir a la escuela de residencia (en el área donde la familia reside temporalmente)
- Derecho a asistir al siguiente patrón de escuela matriculante (de primaria a secundaria y/o de secundaria a preparatoria)
- Si la familia obtiene una vivienda permanente, el estudiante puede permanecer en la escuela actual durante el resto de ese año académico
- Si un estudiante de preparatoria obtiene una vivienda permanente, puede permanecer en esa escuela hasta la graduación si así lo elige
- Transporte: hacia/desde la escuela si el transporte crea una barrera para la asistencia
- Comidas: califican automáticamente para comidas gratuitas y a precio reducido
- Resolución de Disputas: si surge una disputa, el estudiante es admitido inmediatamente y puede asistir a la escuela solicitada mientras se resuelve la disputa
Para preguntas adicionales, recursos y apoyo específico para su sitio escolar, por favor contacte al Subdirector o Enlace Familiar de su sitio utilizando la información de contacto proporcionada en la tabla a continuación.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la Ley McKinney-Vento o estos derechos, por favor contacte a los enlaces para personas sin hogar del distrito en mkvsupport@fjuhsd.org
무주거 상태나 주거 전환을 경험하는 학생들은 맥킨니-벤토 법 아래 권리를 가지고 있습니다.
무주거자 지원 맥킨니-벤토 법 (42 U.S.C. § 11431-11435)은 무주거 상태를 경험하는 아동과 청소년들의 교육적 권리와 보호를 보장하는 미국 연방 법률입니다. 이 법은 모든 지역 교육 기관, 공립 학교 교육구, 직접 및 지역적으로 자금을 지원받는 특수 학교, 그리고 군소 교육 사무소가 0세에서 22세(유치원부터 12학년까지)의 무주거 학생들이 동등하고 적절한 공립 교육에 접근할 수 있도록 보장합니다. 이는 공립 유치원을 포함합니다.
무주거자의 정의
- 고정된, 규칙적이고 적절한 주거지가 없는 개인들로, 다음과 같은 곳에 거주하는 사람들을 포함합니다:
- 주거 손실, 경제적 어려움 또는 비슷한 이유로 다른 사람들과 함께 주거하는 공간
- 모텔, 호텔, 보호소, 임시 주거 프로그램
- 차량, RV 공원, 캠핑장, 공원, 해변, 폐기된 건물, 일반적으로 사람들이 주거하는 목적으로 설계되지 않은 공공 또는 사설 장소
- 유기된 청소년, 도망자 또는 추방자, 또는 위에 설명된 상황에서 살고 있는 이주 아동들학생들의 권리
- 즉시 등록: 거주지 증명, 예방 접종/의료 기록 및 기타 학교 기록 부족 여부와 상관없이
- 학교 안정성: 원래 학교(최근에 다닌 학교)에 남을 권리 또는 임시로 거주하는 지역의 학교에 다닐 권리
- 다음 학년으로 진학할 권리 (초등학교에서 중학교로, 중학교에서 고등학교로)
- 가정이 영구 주거지를 확보하면 그 학년 종료까지 현재 학교에 남을 수 있음
- 고등학교 학생이 영구 주거지를 확보하면 그 학교에서 졸업할 때까지 남을 수 있음
- 교통: 교통이 출석에 장애가 되면 학교 왕래 지원
- 급식: 무료 및 할인 급식 자격 자동 적용
- 분쟁 해결: 분쟁 발생 시 즉시 학생을 입학시키고 분쟁 해결까지 원하는 학교에 다닐 수 있음추가 질문, 리소스 및 학교 현장 지원에 대한 구체적인 지원이 필요하면 지역 학교의 부교장이나 가족 연락 담당자에게 아래 표에서 제공된 연락 정보를 사용하여 문의하십시오.
맥킨니-벤토 법이나 이러한 권리에 관해 추가 질문이 있으면 mkvsupport@fjuhsd.org로 지역 무주거자 지원 담당자에게 문의하십시오.
Fullerton Joint Union High School District is very fortunate to benefit from our partnership with Fullerton's Love of Orange County Kids (FLOCK). This remarkable organization provides quarterly scholarship opportunities to support our students in various ways.
FLOCK offers gift cards to students in need, helping them manage immediate necessities and alleviate financial stress. Additionally, they provide college scholarships to assist students in pursuing higher education, making college more accessible and reducing the financial burden on families.
Their generosity and compassion for our students are deeply appreciated. Through their ongoing support, FLOCK has made a significant impact on the lives of many students, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities to succeed both academically and personally.
For more information, please visit: FLOCK
Fullerton Joint Union High School District is very fortunate to benefit from our partnership with the Assistance League (AL). This incredible organization provides our McKinney-Vento, Foster, and students in need with basic needs/hygiene items year-round. Each of our school sites has a designated on-site pantry space where students can access food, school supplies, clothing, basic needs, and much more.
For more information, please visit: Assistance League
- Buena Park High School
- Education Center
- Fullerton Union High School
- La Habra High School
- La Sierra/La Vista High School
- Sonora High School
- Sunny Hills High School
- Troy High School
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Brian Cuevas
- Leticia Gonzalez
- Stephany Grigorov
- Jina Jackson
- Manny Macias
- Daphne Sloggett
- Betty Vutang
- Allen Whitten
- Tina Wilde
What Families Need to Know About Homelessness
CA Department of Education Foster Youth Information
CA Department of Education Homeless Youth Information
McKinney Vento Assistance Housing Questionnaire 2024-2025
FJUHSD Dispute Resolution Process
Dispute Resolution Form - English (for Parent to Complete)
Dispute Resolution Form - Spanish (for Parent to Complete)
OCTA Bus Pass Acceptable Use Form - English & Spanish
Early Education for Young Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness