- Buena Park High School
- Career Technical Education
- Sports Medicine
Introduction to Sports Medicine- Sports Medicine teaches the skills and qualities needed to be successful in the field of Sports Medicine. Careers such as Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Strength Conditioning, Personal Training, and Exercise Science will be introduced to students. Students will engage in multiple instructional methods such as projects, group work, lecture, discussion, and real-life hands on scenarios. All lessons will integrate academic and career technical education (CTE) standards. Upon successful completion of this course, each student will demonstrate a basic understanding related to common sports injury prevention, pathologies, mechanisms, etiology, recognition, signs, symptoms, treatments and complications
Medical Careers I (Prerequiste)- Medical Careers trains students for entry-level occupations in the medical/health field and to standards required of workers in the field. Students learn the ethical and legal responsibilities of the health care worker, safety, HIPAA, transmission based precautions, body mechanics, transporting duties, human anatomy and physiology, normal function of body systems, advanced terminology, and vital signs. Students research career opportunities in therapeutic, diagnostic, and supportive areas. Course instruction emphasizes career ready behaviors in communication, ethics, interpersonal/team skills, critical thinking and problem solving, safety, technology, and employability skills. This is a prerequisite course for Sports Medicine.
Students will Learn
- Basic anatomy and physiology of the human body-
- Mechanisms of a sport injury
- Basic injury evaluation
- Sports therapy modalities including taping, wrapping, protective bracing, equipment fitting, follow-up care, and Use of equipment and techniques to aid patients in rehabilitation.
- The principles of fitness and conditioning, nutrition, and How sports medicine is part of an integrated health care delivery system.
Course Meets UC/CSU Schools “G” Requirements