• Avid


  • Course Philosophy
    AVID(Advancement Via Individual Determination) is offered as an electivecourse that prepares students for entrance into four-year colleges.There is an emphasis on analytical writing, preparation forcollegeentrance and placement exams, study skills and test taking, note taking,and research.
    Course Description/Structure
    AVID meets five hours per week. Students receive two hours of instruction per week in college entry skills, two hours per week in tutor-led study groups, and one hour per week in motivational activities and academicsur¬vival skills. In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collab¬oration, and reading to support their growth academically.
    The AVID curriculum, which is based upon the following books in the AVIDlibrary—College Path, The Student Success Path, and the WritingCurriculum—lays the groundwork for the lessons taught in the AVID elective.
    College Path prepares students for their future with lessons on test-taking skills. Preparation includes instruc¬tion in math and English language concepts frequently seen on college entrance tests, as well as practice on "mock" SAT and ACT exams. In the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades, students are encouraged to take the PSAT(Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) or the PLAN (Preliminary AmericanCollege Test). In the eleventh and twelfth grades, students take theSAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) and ACT (American College Test).
    InThe Student Success Path, AVID students learn skills such as time management, note-taking, textbook reading, library research, and maintaining the AVID binder. Students are expected to maintain an organized binder, including an assignment calendar, class and textbook notes, assignments, and homework, which are graded regularly.
    Through the Writing Curriculum, AVID stresses the importance of "writing as a tool for learning?' This strategy forms the basis of all assignments.Writing preparation revolves around the improvement of writing in allsub¬ject areas because writing clarifies thought. In AVID, students learn that writing is a process. Students are expected to use this process in all grade level writing assignments.
    On tutorial days, students work with college tutors, many of whom are former AVIDstudents and graduates of the schools in which they work.
    Tutorsassist students in small groups with academic questions that studentsbring to tutorial. Students are required to take notes during tutorialand use class and textbook notes to inform their discussions duringtutorial. Tutors help students with the process of learning throughinquiry, rather that giving students the answers to their questions.Students learn the value of working with others in tutorial.
    In AVID, students also participate in motivational activities includingcollege and career research, college and career outreach speakers, fieldtrips to colleges and businesses and other educational opportunities intheir commu¬nities, and service learning experiences. These activitiesprovide students with the resources they need to learn about manypositive opportunities available to them in the community that will impact their future.

Objectives of the Course

  • 1. Students will take courses that meet four-year college entrance requirements.
    2. Students will participate in tutorials for academic courses.
    3. Students will learn and apply AVID skills including note taking, organization, time management, and goal setting.
    4. Students will improve their oral communication skills through a variety of activities, including presentation and Socratic Seminar.
    5. Students will participate in writing to learn activities, including note taking, learning logs, and essay writing.
    6. Students will learn to evaluate their own and other's writing, using the rubrics and scoringguides modeled after UC and CSU requirements.
    7. Students will prepare for college entrance examinations, including the SAT I and II and ACT.
    8. Students will complete and present a Multi-Grade Level Portfolio of their work in AVID.

Avid Informational Video

Spanish Translation

AVID Counselor