- La Vista/La Sierra High Schools
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“When we read great literature, something changes in us that stays changed. Literature remembered becomes material to think with.”
~Donald Hall - American poet, writer, editor and literary critic
ELD 1/2
This course implements the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) to amplify the California State Standards for English Language Arts. The CA ELA/Literacy and CA ELD Standards both integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language as expressed in key themes of Meaning Making, Language Development, Effective Expression, Content Knowledge, and Foundational Skills. English learners will use language to interact meaningfully in school and beyond. In addition, English learners will be knowledgeable about English and utilize language as a resource for communicating and learning. This course requires students to use technology, cooperative learning, and other effective research-based learning strategies. Students will be assessed in the four strands: reading, writing, listening & speaking, and language (grammar and vocabulary) in order to demonstrate language acquisition. In addition, students are expected to practice consistently by completing all tasks and applying effort during each lesson.
Read 180
READ 180 is a reading intervention program that is highly structured and individualized. It directly addresses individual needs through instructional software, high-interest fiction and non-fiction texts, and direct instruction in reading and writing skills. Students work in small and large groups using cooperative learning strategies and interactive technology. The READ 180 program targets and addresses specific reading needs. Assessment at regular intervals on target skills help students and teachers track and analyze performance, and allow adjustments to instruction as required. The goal of READ 180 is to help students develop reading skills at grade level.
English 1
English 1, a Common Core State Standards aligned college and career readiness course, concentrates on the development of knowledge in reading comprehension (fiction and nonfiction), writing (informational, argumentative, and narrative), listening and speaking (presentation and collaboration), and language development (conventions and vocabulary). Competence in each skill is the basic objective.
English 2
English 2, a Common Core State Standards aligned college and career readiness course, continues the development of basic skills introduced in English 1. Composition study involves intensive review of how to organize and write the multi-paragraph essay. Literature emphasizes the study of increasingly challenging works in various genres. The course includes the study of vocabulary, spelling, usage, and mechanics.
English 3
English 3, a Common Core State Standards aligned college and career readiness course, concentrates on the development of knowledge in reading comprehension (literary and information), writing (informational, argumentative, and narrative), listening and speaking (presentation and collaboration), and language development (conventions and vocabulary). Competence in each skill is the basic objective.
English 4
English 4 is also a Common Core State Standards aligned college and career readiness course. Students concentrate on the study of the author's craft of literary and informational genres, compare genres, and use textual analysis to improve their own writing. Additionally, students integrate the use of increasingly sophisticated language skills within the writing process.