• Welcome to the Opportunity Program!

      Opportunity is the Fullerton Joint Union High School District’s regionalized program to support 10th-grade students throughout the District that have fallen behind in their credits, and need support and credit recovery to get back on track for graduation.  The mission of the Opportunity program is to support students in credit recovery and develop essential skills to go forward as a stronger student.  Academically, students will participate in identified interventions and supports in order to develop the essential skills needed to be a successful student.  Behaviorally, students will be encouraged to demonstrate maturity, appropriate classroom behavior, positive attendance, and participate in Restorative Practices

    Typically students have had multiple failing grades on their transcript and may currently be failing multiple classes.  It is the concern that he or she is not on track to graduate with their class, and needs an “opportunity” to build on essential skills and credit recovery.  Components of the Opportunity Program include the following:

    • smaller academic class sizes during the school year - typically 25 students on average per class
    • available intervention classes including Read 180, Math 180, and Academy
    • a dedicated guidance counselor, a student intervention/support coordinator, and a community liaison
    • an after-school intervention to address poor choices made during the school day
    • elective CTE opportunities in Video Production, Computer Graphics and Design - Printing, and Child Development
    • extra-curricular activities and clubs
    • school bus transportation 
    • teachers and other staff trained in Restorative Practices and Trauma-Informed Behavior 

    The goal of the Opportunity Program is to support academic and behavioral growth so students can successfully return to the comprehensive high school once they have caught up with their credits. Incoming 9th grade students join La Sierra High School for our summer school program prior to the start of their freshman year.  Each student will be enrolled in two classes Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm.  To participate in our program, students and parents will need to complete the enrollment process at La Sierra High School.  The enrollment information is available on our website and can be mailed home as well.  

Front of the School
  • For more information, please contact Sandi Layana at (714) 447-5501.