- La Vista/La Sierra High Schools
- About Us
About Us
Students with special needs who enroll in the Adult Transition Program learn valuable vocational, mobility, and community, social and independent living skills that enable them to function productively in society. The Transition Program currently serves approximately 100 students.
Students are encouraged to utilize many aspects of the community as independently as possible, but with support from staff as needed. In addition to a variety of job training opportunities, students also have opportunities to bowl; attend nutrition classes, workshops and club meetings; and interact with age-appropriate, non-disabled peers on-campus and in the community.
Many program participants develop and refine their vocational skills while participating in the Adult Transition Program, and then are directly hired as employees at work experience sites and by local businesses.
While enrolled in the La Sierra Adult Transition Program, students receive education and hands-on training in the following areas with community business partners:
Vocational Preparation
- On-the-job training at various work experience sites—small group and individual job coaching is provided
- Job skills seminars and workshops
- Assistance with applying for and receiving paid internships through a variety of community agencies.
- Opportunities to attend Career Fairs, regional open house events, and visit adult service programs in the community
- Collaboration with North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) and support from adult school transition counselors to enroll in adult education courses.
Mobility Training
- Safety in the community
- Stranger awareness
- Use of OCTA buses—use of bus schedules, Transit Apps, routes and discounted ID cards
- Emergency conduct and “Get Safe” training
- Independence in community settings
Community Training
- Use of community resources such as museums, libraries, parks and theatres
- Shopping for personal items at grocery stores, department stores and malls
- Safety in the community
- Eating in fast-food and sit down restaurants
- Planning recreational activities with friends both during program hours and after school
Independent Living
- Workshops and seminars regarding independent and supported living
- Budgeting, banking and consumer awareness instruction
- Cooking, nutrition, shopping and meal planning classes once per week
Health, Nutrition and Grooming
- Walking, kickball, aerobics, soccer, basketball, etc. at least twice per week
- Assistance with selecting and purchasing healthful lunches
- Shopping for professional attire for work and school
Social and Recreational Activities
- Planning community field trips with friends,
- Bowling, playing pool, singing Karaoke, participating in campus special events and attending concerts in the community
- Birthday parties, holiday parties and other celebrations with friends
- Trips to arcades, live performances of plays and concerts in the community
- Participation in Tuffies Friends, a program in which students have opportunities to socialize and develop friendships with their university peers
- Participation in special interest clubs in areas such as: Art, Music Appreciation, Hiking, Dance, Movies, Games, Sports, Social, Anime, Fantasy Football, and Drawing.
- Participation in Healthy Relationships Curriculum.

For more information, please contact Renee Gates at (714) 447-5503.