Welcome to La Vista and La Sierra High Schools - continued

  • Our staff is dedicated to working with students who are at-risk of not graduating on time, who are on individual education plans, and/or who are seeking a learning environment different from the comprehensive high school. La Vista and La Sierra share a campus, but it is important to note that they are two different schools.

    La Vista is the District's continuation high school.  It has been named a Model School by the California Department of Education for the last twelve years. This is the highest honor a continuation high school can receive. La Vista specializes in students who are behind in credit. We operate on a quarter system which allows students the opportunity to accelerate the pace in which they earn credit.  Course offerings cover all the classes required for graduation as well as a variety of honors, intervention, CTE, leadership and other elective classes.  A new initiative that we are very proud of is the collaboration we have established with Fullerton College to support our students as they transition into college and career. Representatives from Fullerton College conduct bi-monthly lunchtime workshops at La Vista to increase awareness of the certificate and academic pathways available to our students after graduation. The workshops also provide assistance with the registration, enrollment, and financial aid process. The jewel in the crown of this La Vista/Fullerton College collaboration, however, is the middle college course taught by a Fullerton College professor on the La Vista campus during the regular school day. Students who complete the middle college course earn high school and college credits concurrently and receive priority registration and extra support once they graduate from high school and begin attending Fullerton College.


    La Sierra is the District's alternative high school. Alternative schools have more flexibility in their organization, which allows for more variety, innovation and individualization in students' educational programs. There are five different programs operating under the umbrella of La Sierra designed for students of all academic levels and abilities:

    • 10th Grade Opportunity provides a variety of supports - small class size, more access to counselors, credit acceleration - to sophomores who have fallen behind in their credits and need a boost to get back on track and back to their comprehensive high school.
    • Adult Transition is the program for adult students on IEPs who benefit from focusing on transition skills - vocation, mobility, and independent living - before leaving the public school setting and moving on to college, career or adult program placement.
    • Home Hospital is the program provided for students whose medical conditions necessitate they receive instruction in an environment away from the comprehensive high school.
    • iSierra Online Academy offers a wide variety of pathways, including Independent Study, Blended Learning, and Home School, with a choice of Diploma, UC/CSU, AP and NCAA, and accelerated credit subpathways.
    • The ABC (Academic, Behavior, and Counseling) Program serves students on extended suspension and suspended expulsion as well as students who would have previously been referred to county school for truancy or other behavior issues. Students work independently on APEX online curriculum and receive counseling and tutoring support.

    No matter which school or program a student participates in, they are assured of an academically rich and rewarding experience at La Vista/La Sierra. It’s good to be a Lion!