Continuing iSierra Students - Summer Session 2024 - General Information and Enrollment

  • Thank you for your interest in continuing to earn credit in the iSierra Online Academy during the summer session.  Summer school is a great way to catch up on credits not completed during the school year.  A letter was sent via mail and email to both the students who may require attendance in the summer session, as well as their respective parents or guardians.

     Please continue reading for a summary of our expectations as well as for the enrollment steps.


    • Students will continue to have a weekly appointment in a virtual meeting room, such as Zoom or Google Meet.  

    • Students must keep up with the assignment due dates in their course(s), with all unit work completed and submitted by the weekly appointment day/time.

    • Students get credit and attendance for successfully completing assigned units and exams.

    • Summer school is optional and students will be dropped for lack of attendance/lack of progress.

    • Students who cannot attend all 6 weeks must inform their teacher in advance.

    • Students can earn a maximum of 15 credits during the summer session.  


    • Students are referred by their Supervising Teacher.

    • All enrollment forms are emailed to the student and parent/guardian by Evelyn Hernandez Mejia.

    • Contact Evelyn Hernandez Mejia ( 714-447-5535) for enrollment assistance through May 31st. Starting June 3rd, contact Renee Gates (

School Address and Office Hours

  • School Office Hours are Monday through Friday, 7: 30 am until 3:30 pm.

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