• Incoming 9th Grade Placement Testing

    Math and English assessment will be conducted at feeder middle schools. 

    Note: for students who are out of district, please contact the Counseling office at (562) 266-5032.

    Important AP Test Info.

    • Exams will be given in May. 
    • Please see Ms. Murphy and Ms. Gasaway in the Couseling Office Room 10 for more information. 

    How to be Competitive for College

    As you work with your counselor to plan your classes, remember that UC and CSU colleges require a minimum of 15 core academic courses that you must complete with a "C" or better.  You will also need to have a strong GPA and take a college entrance test in your junior or senior year. If you are struggling with academics, please seek help by speaking with your teachers. Math tutoring is available at the LHHS Library from 2:45- 3:45. You may also see your counselor for other academic tutoring resources.

    • FALL SEMESTER: Explore various extracurricular activities, like joining clubs, sports teams, to find what you enjoy. Challenge yourself by taking college preparatory courses. The key to a successful start to High School is to Get Involved!
    • SPRING SEMESTER: Work with your counselor to plan your courses for grades 10, 11, and 12. When appropriate, take Honors and Advanced Placement classes, as they help you to prepare for college. Be aware of any prerequisites for these courses.
    • Explore College Majors and Careers! One useful website is www.assist.org that helps you explore the California Higher Education System.
    • SUMMER: If necessary, repeat any courses that are required for graduation or college entrance. If you haven't done so, complete the Health course.  You can also find a summer job, do volunteer work, complete any summer assignments for Honors or AP courses you will take in your 10th grade year.

    Study Skills/Good Time Management

    • It is important that you develop these skills this year, so that you can be successful in all of your classes.  Remember to complete your assignments/homework on time and ask your teachers for help when you need it.