Juniors may TAKE THE SAT/ACT to plan and prepare for College.
    If you are planning to attend a 4 year college please check with the college to see if test is required as part of your college entrance requirements.

    You may take both tests and submit to the college the higher score in any one sitting.

    The SAT is an English/ Math test. The ACT includes English. Math. Social Science and Science.
    • To sign up for the SAT, please go to: Collegeboard.org and  register to take the test with a credit card or fee waiver.

    • To sign up for the ACT, please go to ACTSTUDENT.ORG and register to take this test with a fee waiver or credit card. 

    You must complete these tests by December of your senior year.

    You may start taking the SAT /Act in the spring of your junior year. If you qualify for a free and reduced lunch you qualify for a fee waiver. See your counselor for a fee waiver.


    Please research the major and colleges you desire to attend.

    Some UC Schools and Private schools that offer majors in Engineering, Architecture and Pre Medical may require that you take the SAT Subject Test Math level 2. It is imperative that you research and be prepared.

    Scholarship Opportunities
    • QuestBridge is offering College Prep Scholarships to 11th Grade Students who are 4-year College Bound that includes: College Summer Programs at Emory, Harvard, Stanford, Notre Dame, Penn, and Yale; laptops and fully paid visits to college summer programs; college admissions conferences at Stanford and Yale.- and can be accessed at www.questbridge.org or by visiting your counselor.

    How to be Competitive for College
    • Remember that UC and CSU colleges look first at your 10th and 11th grade academic coursework, your GPA, and college entrance test scores. Grades of 'C' or better are a must. If you are struggling, seek help by speaking with your teachers and seeking tutoring (on-campus before and after school).

      Note: You must complete 11 "A-G" courses by the end of your Junior Year for UC Eligibility.

    • Get involved in school! Participate in Clubs, Organizations, and Community Service. You may also consider getting a part-time job, apprenticeship, or internship-- or you can job shadow in a profession that interests you.

    • National Honor Society : For more information; you may visit the NHS website at www.nhs.us/ to learn specifics about applying.

    • California Scholarship Federation : Students may join if they are eligible academically.  Please contact Mrs. Nguyen for more information.  You may also visit the CSF website at www.csf-cjsf.org/ or our CSF tab to learn about specific requirements.

    • Take College Entrance exams (SAT or ACT ) between January of your 11th Grade year and December of your 12th Grade year. For SAT Reasoning Test , visit www.collegeboard.com to register. For ACT (plus the Writing test for UC campuses), visit www.actstudent.org to register.

    • Take the PSAT (practice SAT test) in October; take the PLAN (practice ACT test) in November. 

     Explore Colleges and Universities: 
    • Explore college majors and take a Career Assessment Test by visiting www.assist.org or other websites noted on our "Helpful Websites" link (under Academic Counseling on our school website, www.lahabrahighschool.net) .

    • List, compare and visit colleges/universities (see "Helpful Websites"); identify important factors in choosing a college; think about your reasons for going to college; take a guided tour of the colleges you are considering and ask questions. 

    Important AP Test Info.

    • Exams will be given in May. 
    • Please see Ms. Murphy and Ms. Gasaway in the Counseling Office Room 10 for more information.
    Considering applying to a UC campus?
    • As you complete the college entrance "A-G" requirements, please note the eligibility requirements to enter a University of California campus.

      Students who:

      • complete the 15 UC-required college-preparatory ("a-g") courses, with 11 of 15 of those done by the end of 11th grade,

      • maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better (weighted by honors/AP bonus points) in these courses, and take the ACT with Writing or SAT Reasoning Test

    …will be invited to apply and will be entitled to a comprehensive review of their applications at each UC campus to which they apply. 
    Within this "entitled to review" pool, two categories of applicants will be guaranteed admission somewhere within the UC system: 
      • those who fall in the top 9% of all high school graduates statewide, and

      • those who rank in the top 9% of their own high school graduating class.

    College Athletics:
    • NCAA : athletes pursuing college sports via the National Collegiate Athletic Assocaion must register for eligibility at the end of their Junior year.  Please visit www.eligibilitycenter.org for more information and to register your high school coursework.  Also, visit our NCAA link in the Academic Counseling Section.

    • NAIA : athletes pursuing college sports via the National Association for Intercollegiate Association must register for eligibility at www.naia.org.  Visit our NAIA link in the Academic Counseling Section.

    PLAN AHEAD for Summer and Senior Year :
    • Review your courses with your counselor, ask questions about specific classes and college entrance requirements, and challenge yourself by taking Honors and AP classes.  Stay with the course sequences you began in your 9th grade year, in world language and math, for example.  You may also take summer school courses you need to repeat for graduation or college entrance.  Summer is also a good time to do community service/volunteer work, take a part-time job, be an intern, and visit colleges/universities.