• Open Enrollment

    Open Enrollment is currently available to students who live within the FJUHSD boundaries.

    If you would like to attend a school other than your school of residence, you may do so during the open enrollment period from January 13-31, 2025. Please note that this is only available to students residing within the FJUHSD boundaries.

    Please click HERE for more information.


    Families interested in attending LHHS who reside outside the FJUHSD boundaries may apply for a permit starting February 11, 2025. More information will be provided in February 2025.

    Aeries Online Enrollment (for families NEW to LHHS)

    For all new families starting in August 2025, the Aeries Online Enrollment process will open in March 2025. All new families MUST complete all Aeries Online Enrollment steps to ensure enrollment at LHHS.