• work
    Students under the age of eighteen (18) must have a work permit on file with the school and their employer. 
    Once you are hired, you MUST complete the Intent to Employ form, Intent to Employ a Minor
    Obtaining Work Permit:
    • Print Intent to Employ Form
    • Complete Minor's Information
    • A parent or legal guardian must sign
    • Take the form to employer to compete and sign
    • Scan and email the completed form with ALL signatures to Mrs. Wein at ewein@fjuhsd.org 
    • If you do not have a scanner, you can take a photo of the completed application and email to Mrs. Wein.

    In order to be granted a Work Permit, the student must meet the following criteria:

    Have a 2.0 or higher GPA.

    No F's in graduation required classes.

    The student DOES NOT have more than 3 unexcused absences in a period in the current semester.

     Young Workers Health and Safety Information

    This site contains the basics about young worker health and safety for both teens and parents and has a link to a downloadable fact sheet "Are You A Working Teen?" in both English and Spanish. 
    Please visit http://www.youngworkers.org/ for more information.