Facility Use

  • Facility Use Requests 

    To make a facility use request click: Facilitron 

    You will be able to view FJUHSD facility photos and descriptions, see real-time availability, get cost estimates, make reservations, and pay online.

    For assistance, contact: support@facilitron.com  or  800-272-2962 ext. 1.

    For additional facility use information please contact:

    Gloria Ledesma - Maintenance & Operations

    (714) 680-5601



    Ella Ongkoputro - Construction/Facilities Secretary 

    (714) 680-5622




    Filming or Recording on School District Property

    The Fullerton Joint Union High School District (FJUHSD) allows filming or recording on District property provided that the safety and privacy of students and employees is maintained, and the use does not interfere with school activities, interfere with the mission of the District, result in any cost to the District, or negatively affect the reputation of the District.

    Express written permission from the FJUHSD Board of Trustees is required for all filming or recording on District property.  Permission is granted at the sole discretion of the FJUHSD Board of Trustees.

    To review the FJUHSD Board Policy and Fee Schedule:

    BP 1230

    AR 1230.1

    Facility Use Fee Schedule


Last Modified on July 12, 2024