If you are planning on playing college sports, then you must register your high school classes with the NCAA Eligibility Center. We recommend that you visit the NCAA link to review the required 16 Core Courses that are needed to be eligible.
You may also meet with your counselor to review your courses to determine if the courses are on the NCAA approved course list. Also, NCAA recommends that you register during the summer after your 11th grade year. Please visit the Eligibility Center for more NCAA information and to register courses.
Note: Division I Candidates must send SAT scores to NCAA using the code 9999.
New Division II Announcement: for the Class of 2013 and beyond, 16 core academic courses will be required (up from 14), including additional years of English, math, and natural science.
NewNCAARequirements to be taken to the NCAA Initial Eligibility Requirements.
"If you are planning on playing college sports at a National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) school, then you must register with this eligibility center beginning Fall, 2011 and beyond. We recommend that you visit the NAIA link to review the required core courses that are needed to be eligible.
You may also meet with your counselor to review your courses to determine if the courses are on the NAIA approved list. Also, please visit and for more information about college athletic scholarship opportunities. Some NAIA schools include Azuza Pacific, Biola, Vanguard, Point Loma, and Westmont Universities.
Note: to send your SAT scores to NAIA, use code 9876.