California Scholarship Federation

  • csf The California Scholarship Federation (CSF) recognizes sophomores (in their 2nd semester), juniors, and seniors for their academic excellence. Students can apply once within the first 3 weeks of each semester. The CSF Advisor will review the applications, verify grades (attach a transcript or last semester's report card), and notify students individually as to their acceptance status. Acceptance to CSF is based on the prior semester’s courses taken grades in those courses. Please pay close attention to the morning announcements regarding the application process.

    If students have 4 semesters in CSF, with 1 in their senior year, they become Life members, wear a cord at graduation, and receive a certificate. Six-semester members wear the cord and a gold tassel, and are awarded a 100% member certificate. If you have any questions about the California Scholarship Federation, please contact the CSF Advisor.