
  • Generally, the following criteria are used in determining grades for all academic classes: test and quizzes (announced and unannounced), classroom participation and effort,notebooks, homework, laboratory work and projects (where applicable), reports and research projects. Grading policies for each class are distributed during the first week of a student's attendance in the class. Please speak to each individual teacher for clarification on grading policy.

    Report cards are distributed quarterly. The semester grades are the permanent records for the transcript. In addition, progress reports are done 4-5 weeks before each grading period. Progress reports and report cards are only mailed home if a student is issued a D or F grade. Otherwise, grades must be checked on Please go to the Guidance Office if you need your login information.
    Credit/No Credit Grading policy
    Students may, with parent, teacher and counselor approval, elect credit/no credit grading for a maximum of ten credits per grading period in accordance with criteria established by the principal of each campus. Exceptions to this limit may be appealed to the principal. Once credit/no credit for a course has been agreed upon, the student may not opt for a letter grade. Students hoping to graduate as valedictorian or salutatorian may not have credit/no credit courses at any time during grades 9 through 12,except for courses that are designated as only credit/no credit(teacher's aide, office aide).

    The deadline for taking a course credit/no credit is the last day of the first and third quarters. 

    Note: The University of California and the California State University and Colleges will not accept credit/no credit for courses used to fulfill entrance requirements.
    Grade point average(GPA) will be computed only on courses for which letter grades have been assigned.
    No Mark
    The designated "no mark" may be used in cases when the student has enrolled in a course too late in the grading period for a letter grade to be earned.