Phone: 714-447-5574


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Biology M.A. Spanish Literature and Linguistics CSET in English, Social Science, and Math

Ms. Becky Giles-Villegas

Ms. Giles-Villegas loves to learn and loves teaching. She can overachieve when needed; she finished her B.A. in Biology in 3 years, went on a mission with her church and came back bilingual (ENG/SPAN), went back to school for a teaching credential in Life & Physical Sciences and passed the NTE exam for a credential in Spanish by the time she turned 24. 
​In 2011, Ms. Giles-Villegas returned to school again and earned her M.A. in Spanish Literature & Linguistics​.
​Ms. Giles-Villegas's​ first teaching job was in 1986​ at LHHS: ELD & Spanish in the day and Adult Education at night. After 1 year, she transferred to SOHS, where she taught ELD I & II, Spanish I & II, Life Science, Physical Science, Biology and Chemistry from 1987 to 1995. Ms. Giles-Villegas took 5 years off from teaching to spend time with her daughters. She returned to the district in 2001 to La Sierra HS to teach Adult ELD and , after a challenge from the principal, added more credentials to her name. Mrs. Villegas is also credentialed in Social Science, English, and Foundation Level Math. Her next goal is to learn to like logarithms and calculus to pass the last CSET for a full math credential! 
​She has been with the Independent Study Program since 2007, and with the iSierra Online Academy since its inception in 2010.​