- Fullerton Union High School
- Meet Our Leadership
Michael Albertson
Fullerton Union High School JROTC Senior Army Instructor: LTC(R) Mike Albertson is a 22 year US Army veteran currently serving as Senior Army Instructor of the Fullerton Indian Battalion. LTC Albertson was commissioned an Infantry Officer in 1985 and served in many positions and units throughout his career. Overseas assignments include serving with the 8th Infantry Division in Germany, the 7th Infantry Division in Panama, the 1st Cavalry Division in Bosnia, and the 2nd Infantry Division and 8th US Army Headquarters in Korea. While assigned as a strategist in III Corps HQ at Ft Hood, Texas, LTC Albertson augmented the 10th Special Forces and 101st Infantry Division during combat operations in Iraq. LTC Albertson latter returned to Iraq and served in the Multi-National Security Transition Command -Iraq (MNSTC-I) as the LNO to the Iraqi Minister of Defense. During this tour in Iraq, Albertson also served with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit at the Battle of An Najaf and the 1st Marine Division during combat operations in Fallujah. LTC Albertson retired in November, 2007, and immediately started teaching JROTC at Fullerton Union High School. His awards and decorations include the Combat Infantry Badge, the Ranger Tab, the Pathfinder Badge, Airborne Jump Wings, the Legion of Merit and two Bronze Stars.
Albertson graduated from Ripon College, located in Ripon Wisconsin, with a B.A. degree in Political Science and Philosophy. While in the Army, Albertson attended the Command and General Staff College as well as the School of Strategic Studies. While still on active duty, Albertson earned a Master’s of Science degree in public administration from Central Michigan University. Albertson is currently working on his doctoral degree, writing his dissertation on developing a rubric that teachers, coaches, and mentors can use to assess the performance of junior leaders. Mike and his wife Cyndee have four children and reside in Placentia, California.