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AP and IB Exam Registration is Open!

Greetings Sonora Raider Families!

AP and IB exam testing registration is here!  Please see the order form that is attached. Students can pay for their exams at the activities window (checks payable to Sonora High School) or online through the web store. Only students enrolled in the specific classes take the exams, and your student will know if they have an exam to sign up for.  Our students and teachers have been working diligently to prepare for these exams, and we are very excited for them to be able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. A down payment needs to be made no later than November 8th, 2024. 

All of these exams are aligned with AP and IB classes and will take place in May 2025. We would ask that you encourage your students in this endeavor, and applaud their courage and tenacity in pursuing this challenge. If your child is not taking an AP or IB class this year, perhaps it is something that they could think about pursuing before they graduate. We have teachers that are committed to helping students pursue mastery in every discipline. As always, thank you for your support.

Please reach out to our AP/IB Coordinator, Shannon Appenrodt, if you have any specific questions.